Councillor Jennifer Murphy, Chair of the County's Finance and Administration Committee (left), and Renfrew County Warden Peter Emon led the two-day County of Renfrew budget January 24 and 25. County Council approved a 5.47% increase to the tax levy for 2024.
January 26, 2024
The County of Renfrew has approved the 2024 budget during the annual budget workshop.
Warden Peter Emon and Councillor Jennifer Murphy, Chair of the County’s Finance and Administration Committee, led County Council through the budget on January 24 and 25, 2025. Staff was commended for the hard work that went into formulating the budget documents and Council for navigating through the process to make difficult decisions in another challenging budget year.
The County of Renfrew remains focused on today and the future. With the budget for 2024 approved, the County of Renfrew will continue to deliver existing programs and services and will also fund several key service enhancements:
The approved County levy for 2024 will rise by 5.47%. This corresponds to a $20.76 rise in residential property taxes for every $100,000 in assessed value. Given that Renfrew County's median residential property value is currently $205,000, the average homeowner would spend $845 in 2024 for the County portion of their taxes. The County of Renfrew will be able to maintain its provision of high-quality services, including two long-term care facilities, paramedic services, and community services, with a 5.47% tax rate increase.
“I want to thank our CAO and senior managers for their deliberations to get us to this point and their advice throughout the process; I know there has been a lot of work leading up to today as this year has been particularly challenging,” said Renfrew County Warden Peter Emon. “This is a very thoughtful budget because it mixes current service needs with some future needs while trying to maintain a level of acceptable service within all of our divisions.”
The Warden also thanked members of Council for their patience and engagement in important discussions to come to a consensus on some difficult scenarios presented within the budget documents.
Chair Murphy acknowledged the challenges presented during this budget cycle and the importance of striking a delicate balance in terms of providing services to ratepayers while maintaining fiscal responsibility.
County Council and staff are committed to further discussions in 2024 regarding the Asset Management Plan and Long-Term Financial Plan. Particularly, County Council is seeking to have frank and open discussion around the appropriate level of asset conditions (roads and housing units), while acknowledging the tax burden these projects place on County ratepayers.
The 2024 budget was adopted as a by-law immediately following the budget presentation and discussion on Thursday, January 25, 2024.
Craig Kelley Chief Administrative Officer/Clerk 613-735-7288
Daniel Burke Acting Treasurer 613-735-7288