For more details about rooms and amenities or to reserve a space, contact the Miramichi Lodge and Bonnechere Manor below.
Miramichi Lodge reception at 613-732-0175 ext. 0
Bonnechere Manor reception at 613-432-4873 ext. 0
Residents can choose between a private, semi-private or a basic (shared) room. The room rates are set by the Ministry of Long-Term Care and subject to change annually.
Residents can choose between a private room or a basic (shared) room. The rates for preferred (private) and basic accommodations are set by the Ministry of Long-Term Care and subject to change annually.
Bonnechere Manor and Miramichi Lodge make public areas of the Home available to the public on a cost-recovery basis.
To learn more about amenity fees, view the Bonnechere and Miramichi User Fees form.